Sunday, 15 April 2012


Long ago there existed impatence, insanity and inflated egos.

And these qualities manifested themselves in various shapes and sizes.

But somewhere down the line, as time passed, the 'psychoness' went into hibernation.

However, good things never die and like the Joker says, "Madness is like gravity. All it needs is a little push".

Srikanth and his never ending tryst with the mirage known as GMAT has been a matter to deep annoyance to him (and a constant source of entertainment to the others).

Vamsi's quest for making it huge in life has not yet reached a logical conclusion. The Jag has brought him fame but the 'gold mine' continues to be elusive.

Udayan's fascination with the West seems to have dimmed and is now pining for a peaceful life back home. Well the 'home' bit might happen, but the 'peaceful' bit seems a little tricky with recent developments.

My asocial tendencies have been amplified by the surroundings and situations. The frustration levels (and therefore the cribbing levels) are at an all time high.

There are 'axes to be grinded', 'bridges to be be burned' and 'demons to be faced'. All of this necessitates the awakening of the dormant monster inside. And what better way to do so than to...............................................

The ridiculousness of ideas, which has always been the hallmark of the group needs to be brought to the fore again.

And I believe that the audacity (or stupidity, depending on one's perspective) of going ahead with them is still strong.

So it's time to take out those those travel guides and road maps. It's time to make calls and call favours. Because, it's time for 'PSYCHONESS'. Again.

The open roads are calling, my friends. And so are the highway dhabas, the 'seedha' people*, the obscure sign posts, the rustic surroundings et all

Staying true to the spirit of Balayya's movies, I say 'Tiyyandra Bandlu'.**

*These are people who say 'Straight' irrespective of their cognisance, when asked for directions to a particular place.
**'Tiyyandra Bandlu' loosely translates to 'Start the engines'.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

It Begs The Question

Why am I blogging again?

Maybe because I am listening to that track 'Losing My Religion' - a song I used to listen to quite a bit while posting ignorant, despicable garbage on this forum.

Could it be that I feel the urge to type away (or should I say touch away) at this inexplicable thing which is more inexplicably called a tablet.

Maybe it's because I feel frustrated with various things (which sadly are quite mundane) and need a vent for my pent-up anger.

Or is it that I am under the illusion of being an awesome writer whose ramblings are most eagerly awaited by a sizeable bunch of die-hard loyalists.

What if there is actually a small part of me which finds it dispiriting to be spending a late Saturday night doing nothing 'fun' (whatever that is supposed to mean).

Or maybe, just maybe, I haven't had the opportunity to talk about myself these days and find this blog a convenient place to obsess about Mr Bhupatiraju.

Actually it could be that an year and a half of absence from this space has made me miss making a mockery of men, mentalities, meaningless things and myself.

Maybe because I got thrashed by Real Madrid with Bayern Munich (in FIFA 2012 on my X-Box) by a margin of 4 goals or more in the last 3 games and I needed a distraction to get my mind off the humiliation.

Is it possible that I am enamoured by those corny Royal Stag ads on TV which prod one to ask oneself one's 'kareeb savaal', mine being 'Why am I blogging again'?

Or maybe it is just because I want to feel normal again.

Before I go on, I believe I should re-introduce myself for the sake of courtesy.

'I am still self-centered, egoistic, cynical and highly prejudiced. I have a bad attitude and I like to think that that is cool.'

Anyway, whatever.