Tuesday, 14 April 2009


I haven't read any blogs (only losers read blogs) but I suppose those who write them, write about the apparently 'interesting' things happening in their lives. [Interesting to the bloggers themselves and their extremely useless 'close' friends]. Duh!

I would try to avoid that, but I cannot promise. Give me credit for atleast admitting that my life is particularly boring and uninspiring. Or is it? Ha.

In my second post, I am going to talk about the pigeons in London. They are fat and lazy. They are quite arrogant and reckless. When you chase them, they move at a leisurely pace instead of flying. They are quite reluctant to use their wings. I totally adore their behaviour (not the pigeons themselves, since I believe adoring birds is gay). And I totally identify with them. 

My brother observed the same behaviour of pigeons in the US as well and the pigeons in Hyderabad fly away when you so much as tap your feet at a distance of 5 metres. So I was wondering if the fatness and laziness of pigeons could be used as a parameter for measuring the economic prosperity of a country. The fatter and lazier the pigeons the higher could be the prosperity rating of that country. I would name it the 'Figin Index' (A certain chap in my stupid engineering college used to pronounce pigeon as figin). I would get a Nobel Prize for my remarkable  work and in my acceptance speech I would say 'Duh!'.

I just hope I haven't disappointed in my 2nd post. I hope it is atleast as annoying if not more than the first one. I shall post the next one tomorrow or day after or a few days after that or whenever I feel like it.

Anyway, whatever. 

Me to the London pigeons: 'I think you guys rock and all but I have something else to say to you. Aaaiiii, you fat bitches. You are eating up everything in your sights and inflating while your malnutritioned cousins back in India are starving. Have some shame.' 


  1. life? i don't know what that is.
    don't you realize that i am a soulless ghost?

  2. > You are eating up everything in your sights and inflating while your malnutritioned cousins back in India are starving. Have some shame
    This is so lousy ..hmmm even lame whatever that means.,very uncharacterstic of you

  3. it was what i would have said to the pigeons if i could communicate with them.

    anyway, come on, man. it wasn't that lousy.
    wait till i write my next post and then u will know what lousy is.

  4. i cant believe i actually read that..specially the last part wid ur private moments wid the pigeons..omg..why did all the brilliance in the world suddenly vanish?

  5. I wonder how these fat pigeons will taste like.. In India they are ok... anyway, I found a shop which sells pigeon meat... want to try out??

  6. u soulless ghost!!
    atleast don't make us soulless by publishing such posts

  7. The world is wondering where all the brilliance has gone??? Stop goin to school or i do't know.... do sthg else... your brilliance is gone man....

  8. @Priyam
    u see mediocrity breeds mediocrity. and i am in a sea of exactly that. but i shall become my old self again very soon. watch out for this space to know as to how i intend to do so.

  9. @Swagato
    u are the true carnivore. u are the man.
    i am game. let's devour those fat bitches.

  10. @Gogo
    do u think u have a soul? do u think that it is air u are breathing? think again. welcome to the Matrix.


    my sincerest apologies for that terribly sad attempt at humour. even by my standards it was bad, but i just couldn't resist myself.

  11. @Louis
    i would have agreed with u but u annoyed me by calling me the 'Star of the Bench'. so i refuse to concur with u on anything from now on. behen chod....
